Dog Blogs

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A question addressed

My first time getting a dog? Another Dog story.

This is my first time having a puppy ! Hes 9 months old . I got it this morning , i got a maltese (: . I dont really know how to potty train it and when i got outside with Tobby it wont go to the bathroom but when i come in it does -__- So what should i do to help it learn to potty train ?
Thanks for your answers (:

From Victor Brodt

Kind of like going to the front of the plane and the pilot saying here, you take this and land the thing. Now you need to pay attention. You have taken on a responsibility for this life. It is not really that hard to have a dog, it just takes some effort. You will shortly realize it is worth it.

Now is a good time to learn. Keep asking, there are plenty of answers, easily searched out since many trainers offer videos, and articles. Most pet shops, vet sites and individual owners are glad to chime in because many owners deeply care. My biggest advice is assume the puppy wants to please you, and what you need most is to figure out how to show him the things you wish without scaring or confusing him. Be gentle and positive.

Some people throw the best things in life away, even pets. That is among the biggest tragedies of mankind, if you are wise you will learn from your dog. May you really see what every good dog already sees in you, the Best!

PS I am an author but have connections w trainers at some of my links. Mention this note and I can arrange to send a free e-book that may help soak in the joys of loving life and pets to the full. We’re easily searched, Victor Brodt author site or JacktheDog on Facebook, enjoy and go for the Best.

Dog friends

There is a kind of deep mystery in having a pet friend, something more than just the easy to see stuff. A dog story is about you just as much as it it about the creature. Somehow all of life seems to me at least, relates to the friends we have.  There is always something to learn from them, yet it is hard to see, as if the simple wonder they have is nearly beyond our grasp.

Another site on Facebook has been used for comments mainly on videos. This link takes you to the JacktheDog Facebook page as well.       The Best! -vb

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