Stories of Pets, People, Miracles, & Heaven
Will I see my pet in heaven?
…is one of the most common questions asked of Pastors and teachers. Sadly many folks answer this inadequately and leave needless heartbreak with their reply. We leave no doubt that the bible shows animals are in heaven and God hears our concerns for all those we care about, this book chronicles some amazing real stories.
Does God care about even tiny issue in my life? Does He care about my pet? Yes! If the Bible is to be taken seriously to any degree the answer is always yes. Though we would be glad to send you the book, our real goal is not about getting books in your hands, rather it is for you to be informed and to be enabled to spread the encouragement and give genuine assurance…please help us spread this often times extremely important message.)
(Go to Kickstarter and enter Prayers for Pets for Print or Amazon for Digital.)

Prayers for Pets, a book from the Facebook community that tells a lot for many would like to know while finding support and encouragement.
Facebook: Prayers for Pets began as a burden that Caren Brodt had for the many hurting animal lovers that she came across as she worked on our (Victor and Caren Brodt’s) original Facebook page: JacktheDog. Her work helped put the stories about Jack on the map. Several of their books became #1 on Amazon.
The book Prayers for Pets came as a result of the page members sharing amazing answers to prayer. We could not capture them all, but the book is a compilation of some of the wonderful things that have happened in the lives of people and pets because of the page community. This is one of the most positive pages on FB. No, not every story is a miracle, some are, but others are inner miracles and victories of community and love. (The page is nonprofit, influenced by a biblical mandate but open to those of all faiths and no faith.)
Caren is not in good health, you will need to read the background in the book to find out why her husband nearly fell over when she told him that she felt called to start this new page. It has worked out to be one of those special, amazing things that happen in life. Caren has proven that even severe disability does not mean inability. In fact she has a special secret to share that has made her life more powerful than many healthy people have imagined.
The cover of the book has a young boy on it, he was told at his religious school that his soon to die favorite friend would not go to heaven. We realized that we needed to set the record straight. This book does that in more ways than one.
That is why we are asking for your help. It needs to be in color, and that is pricey. (Amazon wanted $64. per book just for cost of color and distribution, there are 360 pages, about 1/3 of them color.) Please help us to have a greater reach for less. The more we can raise, the more we can keep costs down, so that many who are not well to do can still afford to have this book of stories and authoritative references.
We set the bar low, we need a minimum for the printer, if as we hope we far surpass the goal, we will try to provide for adoption agencies, veterinarians, rescue groups, and special circumstances.
Finally we hope with all our hearts to “see you there”. There where all your friends should be. Please meet us there, many of us will be waiting.
Wishing what every good creature already sees in you, the very Best!
Caren and Victor Brodt
***p.s. many artwork examples below*
Digital Artwork images from the book…..

Selfie -a real dog